

To start using the system, you must login using one of the following methods:

Method 1 - OTP: AD Account Username and OTP
where OTP refers to the one-time-password being displayed on the YESsafe AppPortal+ mobile application

Method 2 - AD: AD Account Username and Password
where this method should be used by those who cannot use YESsafe AppPortal+ OTP to login

Method 3 - 2FA: AD Account Username and Password+OTP
where Password refers to your AD Account Password and the Password field must be in the form of '{AD Account Password}+{YESsafe AppPortal+ OTP}', e.g. 'adpassword123456'

Method 4 - QR Code: YESsafe AppPortal+ QR Code Scanning
where the QR Code scanning feature is provided by the YESsafe AppPortal+ mobile application

Your YESsafe AppPortal+ Account Username should be same as AD Account Username.

To access YESsafe Self-Service, please click here.

Upon successful login, navigate through the menu options to perform the desired operation.

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